The best free PC games for children

The best free PC games for children
4.5 (90%) 2 votes

The best free PC games for children – Welcome to our list of the best action game free online for children on both tablet and PC. These have been carefully picked to make sure they are appropriate for kids.

We hear a lot of bad stuff about kids playing games. Back in the 1980s, we were told Pac-Man would herald the end of society, resulting in kids roaming maze-like streets, desperate for a fix of glowing dots.

The best free PC games for children

  1. Sago Mini Friends

This sweet-natured set of mini-games encourages creativity, dexterity, and puzzle solving. It starts with you selecting a colorful character, who then explores a neighborhood of cartoon houses.

The best free PC games for children

The best free PC games for children

Knock on a door and you’re invited inside for an animated, entertaining playdate. This might involve dress-up, hammering nails into a birdhouse, or enjoying a tasty snack.

Everything’s bright and cheerful, and the game promotes empathy, with one friend looking glum if spoils aren’t evenly shared.

Get Sago Mini Friends for Android and iOS. A Windows PC version is also available. This game has no IAPs/advertising.

  1. Lego Creator Islands

In all honesty, we’re sure most parents would be happier seeing kids playing with real Lego rather than virtual bricks on a tablet. But when the real thing isn’t an option, this official game’s a nice substitute.

It’s based around the titular islands, on which you collect bricks, to ‘buy’ Lego sets that are constructed with a few taps. Over time, you’ll accrue houses and vehicles, and cute blocky critters that roam about. As an added bonus, there’s no chance of painfully stepping on a plastic brick.

Get Lego Creator Islands for Android and iOS. This game has no IAPs/advertising.

The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail

  1. The Oregon Trail

The highly addictive “Oregon Trail” games challenge players to survive as they travel the Oregon trail by covered wagon during the mid-1800s. Players face difficulties ranging from starvation to drowning to death by dysentery as they guide their families to a new life in the West. Designed to bring history to life for elementary school students, this classic game has been reinvented for modern gamers, with versions available for the PC, various gaming platforms and even on Facebook. “The Oregon Trail” series not only helps kids improve their history and geography skills, but also teaches them real-life problem-solving techniques, including the consequences of various actions or choices.

  1. Crayon Physics

In this deceptively simple-looking game, players must rely on the principles of physics to navigate a ball around obstacles that seem as though they were drawn by a child. A mouse, trackball or stylus (for those with touch screen computers) can be used to draw tools to help guide the ball in the right direction. As objects are drawn, they act on the ball according to the principles of physics, teaching kids about motion, energy and gravity as they play. If your kid draws a series of stairs, for example, the ball will hop down them realistically, it’s momentum dependent on their height and angle. Children learn by doing, and because there’s no right way to complete each level, kids are encouraged to experiment and be as creative as they want. While younger children are sure to enjoy the basic version of the game, older kids might want to take advantage of the deluxe version, which allows players to design and share custom levels using an online interactive playground.


The best free PC games for children
4.5 (90%) 2 votes

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